August Rush

Listen, can you hear it?
The music, I can hear it every where
In the wind, in the air, in the light, it's all around us
All you have to do is to open yourself up, all you have to do is listen

Where I've grown up, they tried to stop me from hearing the music
But when I'm alone, it builds up from inside me
And I think if I could learn how to play it
They might hear me, they would know I was theirs and find me

Sometimes the world tries to knock it out of you
But, I believe in music the way that some people believe in fairy tales
I like to imagine that what I hear came from my mother and father
Maybe the notes I hear are the same ones they heard the night they met
Maybe that's how they'll find me
I believe that once upon the time long ago
They heard the music and followed it… (August Rush)

This film is one of the great movie musicals ever made. One proof was awarded an Academy Award in 2007.
This film tells the story of a boy of 12 years who have exceptional talent in music. This talent was inherited by both parents who have never seen and knew. This child's name is Evan Taylor, played by Freddie Highmore. Evan's genius in music really stands out from other friends in the orphanage.

In the life and rule in the orphanage prohibit all children to not listen to any music. In other words, the music talent will die in this orphanage. However, Evan can still enjoy the music, but not music in the strict sense. He was able to enjoy all types of music including that provided by nature. Wind, rain, the sound of water, is beautiful music for him. And at some time later this is music that will take him to meet with both parents.

Positive side of the musical bridled Evan in an orphanage just to make herself is a child who has an original musical talent. He was not affected by any kind of music that exist in the outside world. For him, music is the sound of heart, clarity of the day, and not about the genius of the mind. Music adala beauty and not any kind of complicated musical instrument made by man.
This then makes way Evans played a musical instrument to be very unusual. There is no default key used by other musicians. Evan just use instinct and his heart in playing music. This is what makes him different from others, making himself special. Whereas Evan never played any musical instrument before.
Long story short, Evan could show their natural musical talent on a stage show. At this stage he can also finally found the back of his parents. A final happy ending story compelling and touching.